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A great way to start getting out into the spring and get your exercise at the same time is a SCAVENGER HUNT!

The kiddos love them, that's why we do them for Easter every year! So think of the spring version and what you can find in your own back yard or neighborhood! And if you have very young children you can make it a picture time lesson- Take the pic and then watch a slide show later on inside!

Here are some ideas:
Flower buds
Bird nests
Flowering tree
Ant hill (they are waking up!)
LEFT OVER SNOW! (Depending on where you are in the country you still might have some! ^_^)

Remember have the kids find and not pick or grab if there are allergies and have a great day!

What other items did you find on your spring scavenger hunt!
Thanks to our friends at for the coloring sheet today!

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and have FUN!
Here are some great pictures to print and use in your fine motor lessons with the kiddos!
Remember it's not only about getting it completely on the line, it's about holding the crayon, pencil or marker in a good position. 

TIP: CHANGE IT UP! Use a straw and get them to imagine the line being drawn by hold the empty straw.
How about chalk- use the same pattern on the ground!

Thanks to our friends @ for our second picture freebie today!

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“I Want My Own” Pizza 

 This thin crust recipe makes 4. 


1 cup of warm water
½ package of active dry yeast (about 1 & 1/8 teaspoon)
1 and ½ of granulated sugar
½ teaspoon of salt
3 Tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
3 cups of bread flour
Blended Pizza Cheese (Mozzarella and Provolone)


This dough does not have to rise. In a large bowl, combine the warm water with the yeast, sugar, oil and salt. Mix until the yeast dissolves. Using a wooden spoon, mix in the flour, ½ cup at a time. Once it’s all mixed together, knead it on a floured counter until it feels elastic. Divide into 4 parts, roll each into a ball and let it rest for 10 minutes. 

While waiting for your dough print out this coloring page so that the kids can plan the pizza!   
 Just right click, Save as and Print! 

Assemble the toppings. You can use a jar of prepared pizza sauce or make a simple sauce yourself by combining a 15 ounce can of tomato sauce with 1 and ½ Tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil and 1 Tablespoon of Italian seasoning.
Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. A pizza stone will deliver a crispy crust, whether thick or thin. Otherwise a baking sheet will do. Shape each individual dough ball into a round crust about 1/8 of an inch thick. Add the sauce and a few toppings (not too many) and sprinkle on pizza cheese. 

Bake at 425 degrees for 11 to 17 minutes turning once or twice after 10 minutes if needed.

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Enter to win a Deluxe Wooden Standing Art Easel with Accessories and Paper!

AND.. A Copy-Kids eat fruits & vegetables DVD! =D

Special Thanks To

And all of the AMAZING Blogs who made this giveaway possible!
ONE Winner Takes All! 

I've set up the RAFFLECOPTER HERE! Wait for it to fully load and grab your entries!  You may come back to the Rafflecopter and "Tweet the Giveaway" for 10 extra entries each day if you want! 
 *Tweet the Giveaway is an optional entry* 

Hope to see you WIN!

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What a FUN way to learn stacking AND PLAY and EAT a healthy snack with the kiddos!

Source: via Elle on Pinterest


  •  mini chocolate, caramel, or berry-flavored popcorn cakes
  •  1 - 2 tablespoons strawberry-flavored cream cheese
  •  banana slices
  •  fresh blueberries
Spread cakes with cream cheese and top with banana slices. If desired, dollop with additional cream cheese and top with a blueberry. Serves 2.

Thanks to  Parents Magazine for the great recipe!

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Got some GREAT tips today from Vaness over at Pre-K Pages. She shares with us these top 10 tips on how to handle not only these holidays but year round  vacation time, when the kiddos are home! ^_^
  1. Write all of your thank-you cards for the last day of school before vacation in advance using Tiny Prints or similar, all you have to do is sign your name.  
  2. Shop on-line whenever possible to save time.  
  3. Wrap gifts on one day only, not one at a time as they are purchased. 
  4. Limit the number of cookie or gift exchanges you participate in.
  5. Purchase and address your holiday cards during Thanksgiving vacation or earlier.  
  6. If you bake, do it on one day only and freeze the baked goods for use as needed.  
  7. Do your December lesson planning in November and make sure you have everything you need for every lesson in advance.  
  8. Have your sub plans ready to go in case illness strikes unexpectedly.
  9. Enlist parent volunteers to help out with holiday projects and parties.
  10. Allow time for yourself so you don't become overwhelmed

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Tell me this is not the CUTESTS thing EVER????


I found the instructions over at FamilyEducation
Can you guess that is a "BOTTLE NIPPLE???"
Here's some of the instructions: 
  1. Wrap metallic pipe cleaner around wide part of nipple.
  2. Paint two white eyes with the white-out.
  3. Use the polish to paint on a red nose.
  4. When the white out is dry, put 1 black dot in the center of each eye.

Go grab the rest of the instructions, the materials list and Read more on FamilyEducation: